Several people wanted to know more about my OH, so I thought I'd post a couple of pictures:
This is him washing the floor at our new house (we got the keys last week!):
Spoilt? Me?! See, isn't he lovely?! And he has seen the size of my stash and is prepared to move in with it... Although he has a LOT more books than me, but I'm much more interested in his books than he is in my yarn!
We've been out and about as well as househunting. Having fun reading the silly messages in Puccino's in High Wycombe:
Admiring the sheep at Deen City Farm in London, after we'd visited Morden Hall Park and walked along the River Wandle.
Oh, and avoiding having swine flu. There was an outbreak very very close to me so I ended up having to take Tamiflu - not nice, only 3 more doses to take. Horrible stuff. Fortunately neither of us caught it, although I suspect having swine flu is better than taking Tamiflu.
Knitting update soonish (I will be without broadband for a while after the move) as I still haven't blogged about the GetKnitted workshop! I'll leave you with a picture of the Thames at Staines: