The Jitterbug gloves that I have so far failed to picture on here are finished. Just in time for the snow on the journey to work. I was very glad I had them then as they're lovely, warm and squooshy.
Narvik is also finished (the last few knitting group meetings I've just been sat sewing in ends and sewing things together). But I've only just got round to blocking it. I cheated and blocked it after sewing it together, as recommended by Debbie Stoller in Stitch N' Bitch.
I can't decide what to do about the wrapover cardigan in Freedom Spirit that I was knitting. I started it when I was living in lodgings nearly two years ago and was feeling very miserable so it has some bad associations. Plus I've put on weight since then so I'm not convinced it will fit. But how life has moved on in the space of 18 months!
On Friday we completed the purchase of our new home. It needs a lot of work doing to it, so we won't be moving in for a couple of months yet. But it was still very exciting to get the keys and have a wander round planning things (and panicking when we couldn't initially get the boiler to do anything!). It needs a new boiler.
It has an absolutely enormous L-shaped living room/dining room, with a lovely parquet floor.
The amount of space is amazing! Just think how much yarn I could fit in here! (did the OH read that bit?).
If you think those tiles are interesting you should see the downstairs loo...

There's a small garden too, although we're a bit hampered at the moment by the sudden snow. The flat roof has a leak and needs replacing but is currently hidden underneath all the snow! But there should be room to grow some vegetables and have a compost bin.
I'm won't be online over Christmas and, as usual, I'm massively behind with blog reading. I hope everyone has a great Christmas!