If you live in a country that does snow properly (Switzerland, say, or Sweden, or maybe Canada) you're going to wonder what the fuss is about. But, yes, the UK has ground to a halt. We have the
most snow we've had in 18 years, apparently.
Boris thinks people are skiving off work (how are people supposed to get to work if the buses/trains aren't running?!).
I went to work. It took me an hour to drive 3 miles.

At work things were very pretty:

A small child belonging to someone or other even constructed a snowman:

But then the snow got heavier again and we decided to close up at 3 to go home before it got any worse!
Have fun while it lasts!!! Be careful on the roads too! While I'm used to snow...I now live where they rarely get snow. It was so fun seeing 3 inches fall and people go crazy this winter!
I know, I heard him say he came into work by bike - hmm wonder how you would look after a dive off your bike into the snow (which is likely if you really went more than 500m) really as neat as he did on tv...? Questions we will never know the answer to...
I don't fancy driving in that, it looks very scary! The quad looks pretty though :-)
Resolutely not snowing much here and when it does, not settling at all.
Yay! Snow!
If you don't get much snow most years, it's a big event! I've been enjoying all the photos of London in the snow, but feeling sorry for the people who have tried to get into work and couldn't make it.
Is "skive" the same as "not go to work on purpose?"
We say "ditch". I would have skived.
LOVELY! stay warm!
I now live in a country that does snow properly - Switzerland- and I am still amazed at how life somehow manages to go on despite the snow ;0) The countryside is heartbreakingly beautiful, but I must admit I am kind of over it all now!
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