So, of course, I decided to do some baking. These are apple and raspberry oat slices (an adaptation of a
Delia Smith recipe). And intended as a thank you present for a friend, they were very well received, and even survived the journey to London relatively intact! It's a good recipe, originally written for plums but you can use any sort of summer fruit. And there's a fun, squidgy dough bit when you get to squidge it into the tin!

It was my last Thursday trip to London, so after my meeting I trundled off to the
Science Museum to have a play (and to plot where to take the nephews once they're a bit bigger). I spent most of the time on the fifth floor where there are
history of medicine and history of veterinary medicine displays. Partly because I took a module in medical history during my first degree and it was fab, and partly because it was nice and quiet and air-conditioned at the top of the building!
Then it was off to
Liberty's for some knitting and tea. And enormous (and VERY expensive) scones! I got a little worried on the way
as Regent St was having a power cut, and I was most distrissed at the thought of missing out on some knitting. Fortunately Liberty's was open.

I met up with
Yvonne (on the right) again,
Nickerjac for the first time, two girls whose names I'm not sure of and Kirsty. Kirsty and I had a bizarre conversation as we knew we'd met before but couldn't place it. It turned out that it wasn't knitting, Guiding or book collecting related. Last time we met neither of us knitted at all!
Liberty's had some fab knitted tea cosies on display too:

Back home my tomato plant had a present for me:

The heat and then sudden large amounts of storm rain have made lots of weeds come up through the gravel in the garden. I've tried to cheer the garden up with plants in tubs, but I'd love to get more done, like shift most of the gravel. There's still a lot to do in the house though...

Here's my PMT attempt to put up the bathroom mirror. Not one of these holes is usable!
So what is it about temps in the 30s that make us turn the oven on?! (Hmm - feels a bit nippy in here, I'll try to get things a bit warmer...)
I clicked on the Liberty's pic to try to see one of the scones - there were none in evidence - I take it they were good?
Ooops - bathtime! I'd better go...
oooooh that does look so yummy. do you think it would arrive here in Canada in one piece? I'm glad you had a nice time with your friends and thanks for the link to Libertys. I love to browse through these sites and drool.
Re the holes in the bathroom wall, at first I thought it was Monkey's attempt at drilling but then I read PMT and all is explained :).
Oh, those apple and raspberry oat slices look very more-ish! The garden will be great when you've had time to work on it. Loads of potential! You need one of those rent a husband types that you used to plumb in your washing machine to put your bathroom mirror up, too. ;-)
The slices look very yummy. Better luck next time with the bathroom cabinet!
Yay for the scary top floors of the Sci Mus!
I worked at there for six years and used to often go and hide in the history of medicine bits in my breaks. Occasionally with knitting.
You should try to request a tour of the the Sci Museum stores if you're interested in the history of science collection - they are free and done for the public every now and again. They are near Earls Court and full of all sorts of cool stuff (e.g. Henry Wellcomes collection of tattoes...) Really, I never thought a place could make me interested in the history of the dentist chair, but it did!
I thought I recognised Nic behind that knitting! Isn't she lovely?!
Lucky you knitting at Liberty's! And well done on the baking (looks delicious!) and tomato success.
Not a good time to do anything ,when I was sewing I'd buy expensive Viyella .I'd then get P.M.T and decide to cut out the pattern so I have a lot of quilts with Viyella ...meant to be skirts .
Nice to meet you too, I am still contemplating the wholw typepad thing.
i cant tell you how glad i am to see somoen else completely lose the plot with pmt - is it like a really hard drug or what?
Oh, that pie looks scrumptious, got sugar cravings now!!! ;) Maybe I'll get Ferdie to make me some carrot cake :P
Glad you had a great time a Liberty's... mmm.... yummy sconesss!!
Sounds like a good trip, and those oaty things look lovely.
The idea of PMT combined with a drill scares me. Perhaps something to avoid in future?
Glad that you are continuing to settle in. If I haven't said this already, it was lovely to see you the other week.
Oooh, yum! I need to raid the fridge now!
I love the Science Museum, though it's years since I've been now. I did a module on Medieval Medicine for my degree, which was fascinating, if gruesome!
Hope you have better luck next time with the DIY!
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