Sunday, March 06, 2011

Garden at the beginning of March

I have been doing some knitting, but I've hardly got any time to blog this weekend, so you'll have to be content with just the garden update. It's still not light enough when I get home from work to take pictures, so this was taken on 6th March rather than 1st!

Again, it doesn't look immensely different from February or January! I suppose a bit less muddy as things are beginning to grow more. The OH has cut the lawn, as the mild weather had caused a growth spurt (before it turned cold again). I've dug over the bed at the side and planted two rhubarb plants there, but you can't really see that. And I've dug out a proper bed around where I planted the apple tree and planted some bluebells.

More soon, as I haven't yet replied to various blog comments, and I need to talk about knitting!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Same over here - the change is more visible in the detail. But there definitely!