Ramblings about knitting, books, gardening, history and anything else I feel like!
Monday, May 29, 2006
A close encounter of the nephew kind
Mum and I went to meet Dylan today. He is SO cute. This is Mum and Dylan (his jumper was made by my SIL and is the one on the front cover of Debbie Bliss' Special Knits):
I had a cuddle with Dylan too, and also played with Noah quite a bit: (Noah's hoodie was also made by my SIL and is another Debbie Bliss pattern)
Aaah - he's gorgeous!
How lovely! Congratulations to all concerned!
Awwww! He's absolutely lovely!
Congratulations to all the family on the arrival of Dylan! Another little 'un to knit for, lucky you!
oooh he is so gorgeous! I love the picture where Noah is patting Dylan's head. Congratulations all around.
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