In case you're wondering why Monkey is now sporting a flower round his neck. I bought some clothes in London last week. I was very tempted to join the Wardrobe Refashion blog, but had a slight problem :
I've grown. I doubt many women have recently rung some friends in great glee to shout "My bum's got bigger"! But mine has (finally, been trying to grow it for years). I went through my wardrobe last week in preparation for moving and discovered that I can no longer get into most of my clothes. So about a third of my wardrobe is en route to the charity shop and another third has gone for recycling/rag rug making. This isn't a problem as I generally wear jeans for work, but occasionally (like last week) I have to go to meetings and look smart and presentable. I've bought some casual organic cotton stuff from People Tree and Howies, but could I find anything smart?!?! Shops in Lincoln are crap, they only seem to stock size 14 (why? Does everything else sell out straight away, or do they only order that size in?!) So I trotted off to M & S Per Una at Fenchurch St and acquired some linen trousers and a jacket. The trousers came with a bizarre corsage thing attached, which I had no intention of wearing, but which Monkey demanded to put on. So I let him. Now he won't take it off.
The new nephew/niece sprog is much delayed, which has given me a chance to finish off the cardigan:

Anybody else seen the latest Simply Knitting? I like this empire-line cardi/top thing, even though the blurb at the beginning seems to imply that you have to be pregnant to wear it. (No, Monkey, I am not making it for you to wear). The pattern is for Jaeger Aqua, but I thought it would look nice in Jaeger Trinity. We saw both last Saturday at Yarn and I loved the Trinity yarn, plus the yardage is excellent.

Oooh - much sympathy headed towards your SIL. Overdue babies drive their mothers more than a little bit insane. (Ruth was 7 days late - it felt like 7 weeks...)
Oh Monkey ..you do look good in that cardigan .
The cardi looks fab :o) If there wasn't a baby on te way I'd say let monkey keep it!
I sympathise with the budgeting thing, I'm finding it really hard to not buy any more stash now I'm moving house. Seems the yarn cravings are worse when there are more worthier causes for your money!
It's a very good thing Monkey has no tonsils; that way he won't get sick and can always take care of you. Now if only you could teach him to knit! I'm so sorry to hear you have another bout with those tonsils but good that you have an appt. with the ent And taking echinacea - it's great stuff.
I love the sweater and it looks especially good on Monkey. I think you might have a struggle getting it away from him.
Good vibes for tomorrow when you sign on the dotted line and give away your money. It's for a good cause though, just remember that.
healing hugs,
mary anne
Not again - those nasty tonsils must go.
And monkey is a treat, and very comfortable with his monkeylinity, to be able to pull off a corsage with such panache.
Good luck tomorrow.
Boo, hiss to the evil tonsils!
Good luck with the house stuff and hoping the new niece/nephew puts in an appearence very soon!
I can't believe you're sick again - bad luck. Hope you feel better soon.
Good luck with the house - when do you move in?
That tonsillitis is getting too lairy now!! Glad you got by on the Echinacea though. Much better if your immunity has to actually flex it's 'muscles' as it were instead of relying on antibiotics if you can get by without them. When I was practicing, I regularly recommended this and other natural remedies for tonsillitis and, once the pattern of tonsillitis/ABs was broken, the tonsils would often settle down. The baby cardi looks lovely. Good luck with the property stuff!
Good luck with the house!!! So exciting :) xx
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