Folded, below, you can see more of how it's meant to be. I love the way the stripes vary a bit depending on the width of the knitting. The yarn is Lion Brand Magic Stripes. The pattern is written for Opal 4ply, which I think has better yardage than Magic Stripes, so there probably won't be enough to make the little hat and socks too. But I have plenty of oddments suitable for those!

Thank you Anne!

Unfortunately Sooty got a whiff of catnip whilst I was busy stuffing but hasn't managed to get his paws on the mouse (yet).
In terms of books, this week I've read:
The Dream of Rome by Boris Johnson. I think Boris is a prat, he is very very annoying on Have I Got News for You etc, but I wanted to read the book because I love Roman History and the TV series was quite interesting. The bits when he insists on comparing the Roman Empire with the EU are just plain clunky, but the bits about Rome itself are good. He has a very readable style, so it doesn't at all read like a dry history text (read the Amazon reviews, some are also quite entertaining!). Oh, good grief, someone has even done a BorisWatch website, how scary when you start Googling for links to a book...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (and bought from Greenmetropolis too!) - very useful list of ways to not only recycle things, but also how to reduce consumption in the first place. I also like the little cartoons!
I also finished Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot. I LOVE this book. Not only is it full of useful things to know for the beginning and not-so-beginnerish, but it's very funny! It's good for dipping into, and the basic pattern "recipes" are very helpful.
I'm not sure how much there will be in the way of posts and knitting this week. I have two days in Norfolk, two days in London and one day in Chelmsford (unfortunately not in that order, but more like behaving like a yoyo). Fortunately though London and Chelmsford will be done by train, which bodes a little better for knitting!
The mouse for Jennie is so sweet! What a considerate idea. I might get the Boris J book - quite liked the tv progs on Rome he did. For not necessarily completely accurate (though not bad!) but highly entertaining novels on Rome, I'd recommend Lindsay Davis' 'Falco' series.
The baby cardi is looking awesome! and I love the little psychedelic mouse - too cute. Thanks for the links to the books too. I will have to check them out. Take care and be sure to get some rest in between all that work you have planned.
mary anne
I love the way the stripes are working out on the baby cardi and the catnip mouse is so cute and a wonderful and very thoughtful idea which I'll bet will be much appreciated by Jennie.
Your baby cardi is looking fab, so cute :) I'm loving it!
Boris annoying? He cracks me up, I love it when he's on the telly! Actually I once saw him in person whilst going to AngelKnits (me, not him!), he looked just like he does on TV, ruffled hair, as though he's only just come out of bed...
Oh, and THANK YOUUUUU so so much for sponsoring me in Race for Life, you're so kind, I really appreciate your generosity. I for one am training and trying to do some form of exercise every day. Only a few more weeks to race day :)
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