Sunday, April 16, 2006

I've had a bit of a tidy up

of my sidebar. The egg from the previous post now also appears there so I can watch what it's up to over the next few days. I also joined Library Thing last week and there is a link to random books from my library in the sidebar too. Library Thing is at least as addictive as sock knitting! Although the pedantic part of me would say that it isn't actually "cataloguing" you're doing with Library Thing (despite what they're saying on the website!) or else my daytime job would be really really really easy! ;-)

Thanks to Hazel, I've tracked down some Maya at Kangaroo Yarns! Thank you Hazel! (Isn't blogging great?!)

Sooty is in raptures over his catnip mouse:

When he isn't playing with it, purring over it or dribbling on it he sleeps with it inbetween his front paws!
Meanwhile the shrug part of Tubey is finished and I've picked up all the stitches for the body, it's here on down in 3x1 ribbing!,

Hope everyone's had a great Easter weekend!


KnitYoga said...

Seems as if catnip mouse is a definite winner with Sooty and Tubey's looking good. Looks like an interesting one to knit construction-wise though the 3x1 ribbing bit could be a tad tedious I suspect. Now you've got to this stage, something like that would be good to take along to your knitting group - that's if you're anything like me and can't talk and knit anything even slightly complicated at the same time. LOL

Seahorse said...

Tubey looks great - I love your colour choices. I have bookmarked Library Thing to peruse later, looks interesting!

katarinaw said...

Love the colours on your Tubey! can't wait to see it finished!