So, how did I celebrate? Well. First of all I climbed on board the no. 30 to go to Loop (virtually a door to door service between UCL and Loop on this bus!).

Then I bussed over to St Paul's to meet up for tea and a chat with Lucy. Hadn't seen her for about six months so there was a lot to catch up on.
Then it was out to the East End to stay with David & celebrate handing the dissertation in.
David is a fantabulous cook, but refused to have his photo taken, so I took a pic of the cooking instead:

This is my favourite risotto recipe and was very very tasty. (Didn't Mr Bean take pictures of his food in Mr Bean - the Movie?) Then we attempted to watch The Truman Show, but the DVD wouldn't work, so we switched to Donnie Darko instead. I loved this film - I'd avoided watching it when it originally came out as I thought it would be scary, and I don't DO scary. But it wasn't (well, only a tiny bit) and was really fascinating instead. I'd like to watch it again at some point. I'm still trying to think my way through some if it...
There hasn't been a great deal of knitting content in this post, but I will try and do a knitting update tomorrow or Monday. There is some more to show off, as I got one sock finished in London.
Oh, yes, on the way home on Thursday I popped into Waterstones and picked up a copy of Scarf Style by Pam Allen - very groovy patterns and perfect for Christmas present ideas. But watch out if you're shopping in this country for books published in the US (or elsewhere) and which only have a price in $ on the back. Waterstones had stuck price labels in GBP on the back of the book - but the two copies of Scarf Styles had different labels on the back! One was £11.99, the other £12.99, so no prizes for guessing which I went for!
Hi Katie, glad that you've got the dissertation out of the way. Well done! Great feeling, isn't it?! Nice way to celebrate, too. I hear Loop now have some of the Hipknits hand dyed silk and sari silk in stock.
well done with the dissertation- so not looking forward to doing mine!!
thanks for the sympathy, i really am dreading going back lol
Congratulations on the dissertation! What a big day it must be for you.
Thank you for the sweet and comforting comment in my blog!
Yay on the dissertation! I'm glad you celebrated at Loop and with your friends. That risotto looks yummy. I learned a new word today - 'droolsome' :))
Mary Anne
Congratulations on handing your diss in!! You must be so relived! Glad to hear you have treated yourself with going to Loop (I'm hoping to make it there some day...). :)
And thanks for your comment on my blog. We collected the spinning wheel yesterday and it's beautiful. I've already plied some yarn with it and it works a charm.
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