Wow, a week without blogging. I'm having withdrawal symptoms, although I have just about managed to catch up with the other blogs I read. Apologies if you've left me a comment and I haven't got back to you yet. Also, sometimes people leave a comment and Blogger doesn't provide me with an email address to reply, so I'm not sure what to do about that. Any ideas anybody?
My lovelife did a sort of inside-out, loop-the-loop this week, so I haven't spent a great deal of time at home (and haven't been checking email. And HOW many posts were there on UKHK when I finally got on the website to check up?!)
I'm just back from my nephew's (and now Godson's)

This is the action shot, taken by my Mum (who didn't realise there was a zoom function on the camera). It was a good service, although poor Noah has a tummy upset so wasn't his usual perky (kitchen cupboard emptying and wooden spoon whacking) self.
I've also begun training for the
Knitting Olympics. The challenge for me is going to be sticking to one project at a time so I had a practice yesterday at Knit Lincs and only knitted away on my jumper (well, OK, I was nattering so much I only did 10 rows in total anyway!). Progress is shown below, alongside my second
Curious Yarns sock. I got the heel turned whilst on the train home from London, sometime this week (can't remember which day was which now). There is some unknitting to do, as there is a woobly cable on the jumper. Might do that tonight, whilst watching the
Virgin Queen. My first sock was a little big at the heel, so I'm doing a slightly shorter heel for this one to see what happens. If I like it I'll frog the first one back to the heel section and re-do the foot.

Also in the pic is Debbie Abraham's
More Blankets and Throws which I picked up from the library yesterday.
Lincolnshire libraries (who are of course lovely, fluffy and staffed by wonderful people) have really gone a bundle on getting in knitting books. They always seem to be on loan though, which is at least a good sign (where are all these knitters?). Anyway, lovely book, lovely pictures, want to knit loads.... *sigh*.
Oooooohhhhh - and we had 10 people at Knit Lincs! Another record AND we're into double figures! It was ace, actually I ended up staying on about an hour and a half longer cos I was talking. Again.
About a fortnight ago I finished my needle case and finally took a pic of it (have given up waiting for daylight, it's never going to happen):

What do you think? The fabric was from the remnants bin at
Dunelm Mill and cost about £1.70 in total (!). I wish I'd made it a bit longer as some of my longest needles are too long, but I might make them a case of their own and leave this one to house normal length needles.
I also spent three days in Norfolk working this week:

It was grey. The sea was grey. The sky was grey. Even my car is grey. I took this beach pic at 8 o'clock one morning before I went into work and it was FREEZING! However, the building I'm working in has heating and it's lovely!! I turned up on Monday morning wearing my usual 8 layers of jumpers, as I usually need for work, to find that this place has heating. A revelation. I love heating. What a good idea.
I'm back there again this week so if you leave a comment (which would be nice) I will try and reply as soon as possible.
Have a good week. Hey, I might even do a blog update midweek this week...
What a busy week you've had! I'm glad the christening went well. I won't ask what you mean about your lovelife but it sounds interesting :)
The jumper and socks are coming along nicely and I like the needle case very much.
Thank you for the link to the libraries. I like seeing what's available in other countries, even if I can't order from them.
That picture at the water in Norfolk? It looks very similar to a winter's day in Steveston, here on the BC coast.
I hope your work week goes well.
Hi! Well what a busy week. I kept checking up and wondering what you were up to. Nosy old me!
I hope it was good love-life stuff.
I love that jumper. Sorry I didn't make it to knitlincs. I was actually in Lincoln, at Dunelm with my Gran and Great-Aunt. Sounds like its growing which has got to be a good thing.
Wow! No wonder you haven't been blogging - lots to do.
I love the pic of Sheringham - I love beaches in the mist. They're so much more atmospheric - quite film-setty sometimes.
Great news that Knit Lincs is growing :-)
Hope the upside down loop de loop thing was a good thing.
I have exactly the same problem with people not leaving their e-mail, but I do end up reading some very interesting blogs but sometimes end up leaving comments there.
Hope the upcoming week goes ok
hope love life loop is a good thing! Love photo of beach.
Very flat, Morfolk ;)
Love the jumper!
Norfolk! I meant Norfolk!
Sorry, my fingers aren't working...
Glad that the christening went well and hope love life loop turns out for the best. The needle case looks very impressive!
Thanks for the tip about the library - gave me the impetous to go and have a look myself and I found a couple of nice books on knitting and on enbroidery. I even ordered two knitting books that I've been meaning to get!
now the love-life curiosity hens are clucking....
:P hope all is good and you get a chance to breathe
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