Friday, June 03, 2005


Well, after all the excitements of London yesterday I was absolutely exhausted (my usual state on a Friday!) so had a very quiet morning (catching up on blogs!) and then Rachel came over. Rachel was one of my housemates at Royal Holloway several years ago, and now she has 14 month old twin boys - Alexander and Joseph:

Aren't they sweet?! Rachel is somehow managing to hang onto both the boys, Monkey AND the banana (which the babies thought was great, they were also rather taken with Monkey's bright orange eyes). We spent a lot of time catching up, went for a walk in the Arboretum and had tea and cake at a cafe before drinking even more tea back at my flat! The boys were soooooo good, they're just at the stage of pulling themselves upright by hanging onto furniture and always seemed to be going in opposite directions...

1 comment:

Erica said...

Those boys are adorable, but mom really looks like she needs a nap! I can't imagine having twin boys.